25 Earliest Signs and Symptoms of Autism

  1. Limited use of hand gestures such as showing and pointing to things
  2. Repetitive behavior like jumping around, wobbling, or spinning
  3. Very intrigued or attracted to an unusual object
  4. Sensitive to loud to strange sounds/noises
  5. Avoiding eye contacts
  6. Interested in objects than people
  7. They don’t enjoy cuddling
  8. Might not babble or talk to other people
  9. Can be fussy at times
  10. Do not show any facial expressions
  11. May talk in an unusual tone
  12. Unusual body movements and hand movements like flapping hands often
  13. They do not respond to their name
  14. Don’t show any enjoyment
  15. Might not smile in response to your smile
  16. Can use your hand as a tool, for example, pulling your fingers
  17. Play with toys in an unusual way
  18. Not saying two words at the same time
  19. They don’t like to play with other kids
  20. Might not respond to you when you try to get their attention
  21. Can lack curiosity for new things
  22. Can be underactive
  23. They usually don’t say their first words till the age of 2 years
  24. Carry objects around for long durations
  25. May get upset or angry over changes