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Activator method – Chiropractic technique to deal with pain

You can expect to get rid of painful symptoms associated with problems in the nerves or musculoskeletal system. The chiropractors however use different techniques to treat the problems. They employ chiropractic techniques and treatment plans that are highly customized. This is developed after assessing the signs and symptoms that exist. Access quality chiropractic care and allied treatments at https://www.performancechiro.ca/.

Activator method- what is it?

It refers to the use of a small hand-held activator instrument to make adjustments in the spine. The typical treatment process is as follows

·        You lie face down on the adjustment table

·        The treatment procedure involves assessing each vertebral segment starting from the lower back and progressing towards the head.

·         The chiropractor would now identify the joints of the spine that has to be treated using the activator instrument.

·        The typical adjustment starts with the activator instrument

·         The activator device is applied to the tissues at or close to the affected joint

·         The pressure is gentle initially. It would be followed by a quick thrust of the device

·        After the adjustment, the chiropractor will re-examine you to check the effectiveness of the treatment.

·         The chiropractor would recommend a treatment plan. It would usually be once or twice a week for 4-6 weeks.