Agoudal Travel

Desert Tours From Marrakech

Agoudal Travel … what’s different?

We, at AGT, started in the tourism industry with a set of work ethics, quality standards and a transparency approach. We chose not to go down the rabbit hole of competing with very low prices at the cost of the quality of our services. Our staff is decently paid, our offers are transparent with no hidden costs, no tourist-traps, no forced shopping which is the go-to solution for many agents to compensate for the seductive low prices they portray, because at the end of the day, quality means expenses, and if something is too good to be true, it usually is ! Even if this philosophy is costing us a big share in the market, we decided to stay true to our principles, to our values, and preserve the beautiful image of our country that we all like to advertise.

Zagora Desert

Zagora desert is the closest desert destination to Marrakech at 350 km, it could be done in 2 days, however you will not find any large sand dunes there. It is merely a barren desert with some sand here and there. However, the overnight in the camp and the camel ride is a beautiful experience, plus the road is quite scenic and varied.