Breastmilk Storage Bags-Adapter Connectable

200ml large capacity, one bag for one meal, attentive feeding

One-stop breast milk feeding

Standing pouch design, easy storage

Connected to the breast pump directly

Medical-grade sterilization method


Five indications show that babies are fed well

How fast babies gain weight, how many wet diapers and dirty diapers they have, and

how long they look satisfied after breastfeeding are good clues. Well-nourished new-

borns should:

1. In the first few days after birth, the weight loss should not exceed 7% of the birth

    weight, and then babies start to gain weight.

2. On the first day and the second day, they defecate once or twice a day, and the stool

    is black and tarry. Stools begin to turn green to yellow at least twice on the third and

    fourth days.

3. On the 5th day to the 7th day, babies’ stools should be yellow and loose, with small

    curd, and they should defecate at least 3 to 4 times a day. When the amount of your

    breast milk increases, your baby usually defecates every time he feeds in the first

    month after birth.

4. After 5 to 7 days, six or more wet diapers are produced every day, and the urine is al-

    most colorless or pale yellow.

5. They look very satisfied and happy for 1 to 3 hours averagely between feeding.


Can you reuse breast milk storage bags?

The material composition of disposable milk bags is not suitable for recycling. Yoboo baby breast milk storage bags have been scientifically tested and are made of more stable, safer and more durable plastic. Basically they are designed for one-time use, after which they are likely to deteriorate and cannot withstand multiple disinfection cycles. On the other hand, there are breast milk storage bags specially designed for reuse, but they should be used as instructed. In summary, always be sure to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.


How long does breast milk last in storage bags?

1. How long can breastmilk sit out at room temperature?

Dr Chinen Rina, a paediatrician from the Japanese Society of Paediatrics, advises from experience that it is safer if untouched breast milk is left at room temperature for four hours or less. If it’s been longer than four hours, you need to throw it out.If you know you’re not going to use the milk during that time and your baby hasn’t sipped from it yet, just stick it in the fridge.

2. How long can breastmilk stay in the fridge?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, once you’ve put breastmilk in the refrigerator, it can stay there for up to eight days.However, according to professionals, it is best to use milk within the first four days, when its fat, digestive enzyme activity and anti-infective benefits are at their peak. To keep the milk cold, be sure to store it on the bottom shelf at the back of the fridge, not in the door.