Bright FMS

Office Cleaning Adelaide

Disinfecting in home during epidemic – prevention and protection of corona virus spreading. Protect respiratory system against pneumonia, COVID-19. Sanitizers, face mask, gloves.

Disinfecting in home during epidemic–prevention and protection of corona virus spreading. Protect respiratory system against pneumonia, COVID-19. Sanitizers, face mask, gloves.

The commercial cleaning industry uses a variety of cleaning equipment designed to provide efficient and safe cleaning services. The cleaning action depends on the machine and might rely on mechanical systems, steam, temperature, vacuum, brushes, liquids, sprays, and others. When using such equipment during cleaning services in non-health care environments that are suspected to have had contact with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19), the following guidance can used. Floors, carpets and any other surface that is being walked on might contaminated, as can items that have come in contact with the floor. However, floors considered a hostile environment for corona virus. There also is no evidence that it has transmitted the virus through such surfaces. Recent studies have shown that it reduced the viral load after 72 hours on inanimate surfaces. As always, use good hand hygiene practices, appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), and don’t touch your face while performing any cleaning and disinfecting work.

As, with all cleaning and maintenance operation use good hand hygiene and common sense. Wear

gloves and do not touch your face (mouth, nose, eyes) with your hands. Frequently wash your hands

with water and soap for at least 20 seconds especially after removing your gloves. Have alcohol-based

hand sanitizer available for times when soap and water are not available. Use PPE that is appropriate

for the job and required for the equipment and chemicals you use.

For all commercial cleaning equipment, consult the manufacturer for daily, weekly, and monthly

service and maintenance schedules and procedures. Ask for COVID-19 instructions if available.

Clean tanks, filters, hoses, brushes, etc. based on recommended schedules. Use chemicals and

procedures that are approved by the manufacturer for your particular piece of equipment.

For cleaning jobs, if possible and requested/agreed upon by the customer, use chemicals in your

cleaning equipment that provide for effective cleaning and disinfection at the same time. Verify that

the disinfectant is suitable/approved for the agent.

For surface treatment of frequently touched areas on the equipment like handlebars, grips, buttons,

levers, switches, etc., use approved disinfectant wipes or microfiber clothes/towels with appropriate

disinfectant. Wipe downs are recommended after each use to prepare the equipment for the next

use/operator. Make sure the equipment remains wet for the contact time recommended by the

disinfectant manufacturer.

Never use high pressure liquid sprays on any electrical equipment. Do not soak the equipment with
