Change and Organization
The business world has many outlets, each of which requires special consideration and attention. The complex relationship between employees and their bosses is what makes a company successful and adaptable. The leader of the organization should take five important steps to make it effective: “reviewing plans and goals, determining work activities, classifying and grouping activities, assigning work and delegating authority, and designing a hierarchy of relationships” (Plunket, Allen, & Attner, 2013).
Examining Plans and Objectives
The company’s first step is to review its plans and goals. In fact, this determines the company’s entire outlook and future. The plans must be realistic and achievable for this to work. As a result, the company will be able to grow and provide a consistent salary for the employer and their employees. As departments are structured to meet the needs of a business movement, the goals will provide the framework for the organizational processes. The second point is the determination of work activities, which is important because it allows one to differentiate departments and provide people with positions. As a result, once the specific activities are determined, people can select the ones in which they are most skilled, allowing an organization to flow and the staff to be mutually dependent. In fact, this is where interviews would be necessary because it is the most common way to determine what people are good at. Furthermore, it will provide an opportunity for the company to determine whether or not the potential employee is truly interested. In terms of interview format, a psychological interview is the best option. The reason for this is that employers can delve deeply into a person’s plans and goals. As a result, if it is a person who works well with others and the majority of customers are from the general public, a psychological assessment will determine whether the employee is able to work well with others or is an isolated worker. It is worth noting that the activities differ because some are very general, while others are very specific and will necessitate special abilities (Plunket, Allen, & Attner, 2013).
Identifying Work Activities, Classifying and Grouping Tasks
The classification of activities is the next step in the organization of a business. In fact, this is where the employee’ s and management reddit essay writing service team’s authority is crucial. It is critical to keep one department separate from another, while the employer and supervisors must be able to communicate with their employees, and authority will play a significant role. Employees may not take some aspects of management seriously at times, causing the entire system to suffer. As a result, a problem in one department will inevitably lead to a problem in the other. Those who organize a company, it appears, will be the ones who classify activities based on the company’s goals. As a result, daily activities will be adjusted, and those who are in a relationship will be grouped together.
Delegating Authority and Assigning Work
The assignment of work and delegation of authority is the next step in the organizational process. It is here that a manager must form and analyze the big picture. It is critical to understand each employee’s strengths and weaknesses so that a transfer between departments can be made as quickly as possible. As a result, if someone is unable to perform their duties, an effective manager will change their position, utilizing their authority to the greatest extent possible. It does not have to be a rude and hurried way of delegating employees in this case because no one likes to be degraded and rudely treated. The level of authority is significant because it has the potential to corrupt a person, so how authority is exercised is critical (Plunket, Allen, & Attner, 2013).
Creating a Relationship Hierarchy
An effective manager must determine which departments work best together and which need to work separately when designing a hierarchy of relationships. Apparently, a lot depends on the positions people hold, so some departments or groups of employees may be more important than others. If an organization must make changes, the process must be delicate and gradual, as people frequently perceive change as a bad thing. People are typically afraid of change and will go to any length to maintain the status quo. However, time and the company are progressing, and conditions are changing. As a result, those who are unable to adapt and move forward are left behind. Such people will only have two options: accept that change is unavoidable and necessary, or remain the same and be forgotten or left behind. It is important to note that changes must be made in response to both the external environment and the internal processes of each individual and the company. People will always feel inconvenient as a result of environmental changes and conditions that govern businesses and social norms. As a result, a person who is unwilling to change will slowly die inside, and their confidence will dwindle, which is bad for the organization because no one will be able to rely on that person. The same can be said for self-esteem and negative personal influences. As a result, if change is required and someone refuses to accept it and adjust to new conditions, it will be a significant setback for the individual, the company, and society.
IBM as an example
IBM is a good example of a company that implemented change. IBM is a world-famous corporation that has faced adversity but has managed to adapt to the world and the economy. Some changes occurred several years ago, but the most significant occurred recently as a result of innovation. In fact, the general adjustments that occurred formed a more environment-oriented approach, which resulted in lower costs, increased stakeholder involvement, and a more customer-oriented work technique. The CEOs have also changed some aspects of management, resulting in a shift from a hardware to a software focus. In addition, the technologies were
That increased the efficiency and speed of the work. The culture and public demands had a significant impact on the need for change. As a result, new technology that is improved frequently dictates how a company will work within its own culture as well as with the general public. IBM is a global corporation, and it can be difficult to keep track of all locations at times. As a result, one of the strategic advances made is related to changing the consulting practice and connecting locations. As a result, the emphasis has shifted to people and interaction with the general public. Customers will frequently return to the same organization if the products and services are dependable and of high quality, so IBM was wise to pay special attention to how the business is conducted. People expect great service, as evidenced by IBM’s international success, and the company recognized this by increasing the number of employees in charge of customer relations. “With nearly 3,5 strategy professionals worldwide, the IBM strategy and change practice is part of IBM Global Business Services,” which improves service quality (Organization Change Strategy, 2011). Because of the high level of competition in the modern world, IBM’s changes must be implemented quickly. While changes to production have reduced costs and increased quality, making it more environmentally friendly, changes to services and workforce have greatly contributed to the company’s success.
To summarize, the goal of any organization is to grow and thrive. A leader should consider organizational processes such
as the formation of plans and goals essay writing service reddit, the determination of business activities, the categorization of activities, the appointment of employees to perform tasks and hold power, and the establishment of an interrelationship hierarchy in order to achieve success and flourish.
Strategy for Organizational Change (2011). IBM.
Plunkett, W. R., Allen, G. S., and R. F. Attner (2013). Management is responsible for meeting and exceeding customer expectations (10th ed.). South-Western Cengage Learning, Mason, OH.
Technology’s Impact on Employment
New technologies are increasingly being used in manufacturing, retail, and clerical work, as well as in many professions such as education, law, medicine, and finance. Many people believe that automation, software, and robots will eventually replace humans in manufacturing. Others contend that technology creates jobs. Others, however, argue that it is destroying jobs faster than it creates them. However, widespread technological adoption is destroying jobs and causing widespread unemployment.
For decades, advanced automation has been widely used in manufacturing, particularly in China and the United States (Rogers, Takegami and Yin). Car factories employ fewer people today than they did a century ago. Around the 1980s, industrial robotics became popular (Rogers, Takegami and Yin). Machines are routinely used in most car factories to weld and paint body parts. Humans were in charge of the majority of these tasks. In today’s world, industrial robots are far cheaper and more adaptable than their predecessors: they can even perform simple tasks in a variety of industries (Rogers, Takegami and Yin).
The majority of economists believe that while technology increases productivity and wealth in society, it also has a negative impact: it eliminates the need for many types of jobs. For example, technological advancements like Google’s driverless car are a good predictor of what technology might do in the future. Labor productivity is an important indicator of growth in economics. It is also a measure of progress and an indicator of wealth creation. As a result, labor productivity has increased, but the number of employees required has decreased, leaving today’s typical worker worse off than in the past.
In clerical work and professional services, technological advancement has caused less dramatic changes, but the changes have the potential to have a far greater impact on employment. Web technologies, databases, improved analytics, and artificial intelligence, for example, are replacing humans in the performance of many routine tasks. Technological advancements are allowing humans to be replaced in a wide range of traditional white-collar jobs, including customer service and post office services (Batt, Lloyd and Weinkopf). For example, many public institutions’ customer service departments use automated public address systems to address clients (Batt, Lloyd and Weinkopf). According to many researchers, such systems are “digital versions of human intelligence” (Batt, Lloyd and Weinkopf). Technologies are being used in jobs that were previously thought to require people.
Digital technologies slow job creation, reduce the number of jobs available, and cause workers to experience painful shock
as they are forced to adjust their skills. Furthermore, entrepreneurs frequently exploit new technologies, rendering
existing skills obsolete. Businesses cheapest essay writing service reddit may be forced to invest more in employee training (Spitz-Oener). The need to cut overall costs will also force them to hire fewer people (Spitz-Oener). The availability of data, personnel, and sufficient computing power facilitates the use of digital technologies. Long-term involuntary unemployment is being caused by the widespread adoption of digital technologies.
Many scientists argue that robots must be manufactured and operated by humans in order to avoid job loss (Youndt). Others argue that robots will not be widely adopted because it takes time to train a robot to recognize an object, particularly in a moderately unstructured environment such as an office. Some organizations may be reluctant to adopt robots because humans are far better at responding to changes and unexpected events in their environment. Humans are also adept at combining disparate items.
Automation has had the greatest impact on the middle class; computer technologies have increasingly replaced people in tasks such as bookkeeping and other repetitive production jobs, particularly in the manufacturing sector. Robots are increasingly requiring minimal training to perform simple tasks. They are used in workplaces where employees are at high risk. Computer-assisted jobs requiring problem-solving abilities and creativity have proliferated; these jobs pay well. Scientists predict that within the next 50 years, automated processes and superhuman-level robots will take over a wide range of human tasks (Spitz-Oener). The evidence is based on the increasing scarcity of workers in factories and the widespread use of advanced computing.
There is a growing trend of incorporating advanced computing into many professions, including finance, medicine, and customer service. The rapid adoption of advanced computing has widened the economic divide between winners and losers. Such technologies are more likely to promote “technology experts” (Rogers, Takegami and Yin). For example, a company that develops a tax preparation system or software may be able to eliminate the need for many accountants while earning millions or billions of dollars.
There are a few jobs that may benefit from computer assistance, but many more are likely to suffer in the future (Lohr). Engineering, design, and programming jobs require the use of basic problem-solving abilities that humans have over machines. Those who do not require less problem-solving abilities, such as customer service, packaging, dusting, and spraying, may be adversely affected in the future (Lohr).
Automation, mechanization, and process improvement are the three categories of labor-displacing technologies (Youndt). While automation and mechanization involve the transfer of tasks from humans to machines, process improvement entails the complete elimination of tasks (Youndt). The three have resulted in a decrease in the number of average working hours and workers. According to some economists, technological unemployment may lead to structural unemployment.
While there is obvious enthusiasm for advanced technologies, people are unconcerned about job loss: yet jobs may be lost forever. People are more likely to buy cars that require more machine hours than man-hours to manufacture; they are also more likely to ignore the true cost of such purchases. Furthermore, some argue that there are other factors associated with slow job creation in the twenty-first century, such as the 28 economic recession and global trade events (Youndt).
Many economists do not consider the impact of technology on employment; instead, they see it as a necessary factor of production. Some argue that technology enables a firm to reduce labor inputs and, as a result, profits, resulting in more sales and higher managers. Other economists argue that the increased purchasing power leads to an increase in aggregate demand, which leads to an increase in employment as a result of technology’s expansionary effect on the economy. Other economists argue that automation will have a negative impact on jobs because most workers will not be able to take on new jobs. Nonetheless, some economists fail to recognize that short-run unemployment may be caused by a lack of competition in product and labor markets, as well as other artificial imperfections. According to Lohr (2011), while a sluggish economy has resulted in a job shortage in America, advancing technology has harshly magnified the effect. As a result, different attitudes toward technology result in a scenario in which people ignore the role of technology in job destruction.
Organizations can now employ people while still producing at higher-than-subsistence levels of output thanks to technological advancement. Using simple technologies or none at all can lead to full employment but not to efficient
production or higher living standards. As a result, technology is critical. However, the rate at which technological
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are adopted leaves much to be desired, as many people may become unemployed as a result. Controlling the adoption of technologies in some productivity areas would be more prudent.
“Restructuring Customer Service: Labor Market Institutions and Call Center Workers in Europe and the United States,” R. Batt, C. Lloyd, and C. Weinkopf. J. Gautiê and J. Schmitt Work at a Low Wage in a Wealthy World Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 29. 421-466.
More Jobs Predicted for Machines, Not People r October 23, 2011. Lohr, S. Wednesday, October 23, 2011.
“Lessons learned about technology transfer,” E. M. Rogers, S. Takegami, and J. Yin. 253–261 in Technovation 21.4 (21).
Alexandria Spitz-Oener. “Rising Education Demands: Looking Beyond the Wage Structure.” 235-270 in the Journal of Labor Economics (26).
Human Resource Management, Manufacturing Strategy, and Firm Performance, M. A. Youndt. The Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 39, No. 4, 1996, pp. 836-866.
Why Should Marijuana Be Legal?
Human life is not without flaws. It is difficult to make people’s lives easier and happier. People are unique in their needs, desires, and viewpoints. As a result, it is difficult to organize societal life in an appropriate manner. People, on the other hand, are wise beings, and they invented legislation, the goal of which is to organize people’s lives by taking into account human needs and basing them on their rights and duties. However, legal systems are not perfect and must be modified from time to time. As an example, consider the modern legislative system of the United States of America. There are numerous changes that can be made, such as raising the capital gains tax, eliminating punitive damages in tort actions, lowering the age of majority to 16, and so on. However, one of the most contentious changes, which has been debated for a long time, is the legalization of marijuana. People have two main points of view on the issue for various reasons: some believe it should be legalized, while others are strongly opposed to it. Let’s look at both points of view to get a better understanding of the problem.
Arguments for and Against Marijuana Legalization
As previously stated, one of the positions on marijuana legalization is that it should be legalized. People who hold this viewpoint use a variety of arguments to support their position. One of the most common arguments is that marijuana has medicinal properties, one of which is its analgesic effect. Marijuana is used to treat tetanus, epilepsy, and cholera, according to the researchers. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that “in all cases,… patients experience relief from the symptoms of these disorders” (Jacob & Jacob, 29, p. 37). Migraine, excessive coughing, involuntary twitching, inability to sleep, loss of appetite, palsy, dysentery, and a variety of other diseases can all be treated with marijuana. Furthermore, marijuana is used to relieve pain caused by HIV/AIDS, and it is sometimes given to children who have epilepsy. Marijuana’s medicinal properties have been established, and they should not be underestimated.
However, not everyone agrees that this is a compelling reason to legalize marijuana. There are also several arguments advanced by people who believe that marijuana legalization should be prohibited. The first argument is that marijuana is an addictive drug that can lead to addiction to harder and more dangerous drugs like heroin. The study, conducted in the United States in 1995, found “a three-year increase in marijuana use among American teenagers, at a time when more potent forms of marijuana are readily available” (Shalala, 1995). However, not only previous century studies confirm that marijuana is addictive and can lead to illegal use.
For example, Alain Joffe and Samuel Yancy confirmed in 24 that “legalization of marijuana could result in advertising campaigns for its use” (Joffe & Yancy, 24, p. 634). The second reason people oppose marijuana legalization is that it is hazardous to people’s health. Marijuana use “damages short-term memory, distorts perception, impairs judgment and complex motor skills, alters the heart rate, can cause severe anxiety, and can cause paranoia and lethargy,” according to research (Shalala, 1995). Marijuana clearly causes not only physical but also psychological addiction because it is “one of many mood-altering substances used by humans” (Ruschmann, 29, p. 10). Marijuana users’ minds can start working worse, they can experience altered states of consciousness, and it can even lead to crimes, which are frequently committed under the influence of a person’s inadequate state.
My Thoughts on Marijuana Legalization
The analysis of various researchers’ studies revealed that there are two main points of view on the issue of marijuana legalization. Some people believe marijuana should be legalized, while others are opposed to it. Both points of view are supported by numerous arguments, all of which appear to be rational and reasonable. However, in my opinion, marijuana should be legalized.
To begin with, the fact that marijuana has medicinal properties and can alleviate the pain and suffering of people suffering from various diseases is undeniable. Numerous studies conducted over a wide range of time periods support this claim. Furthermore, marijuana is not a common medicine. In many cases, marijuana is the last hope for sick people, and it is sometimes the only medicine that relieves pain or other unpleasant symptoms of diseases.
The second reason, which seems significant to me, is that marijuana is already legal in 20 states in the United States (, 2014). I believe that if such a large number of states legalized marijuana, it is absolutely necessary to do so in this manner. If politicians continue to vote for marijuana legalization, it means that there aren’t as many issues to deal with. Certainly, there may be some concerns about the potential negative effects of marijuana legalization, but I am confident that strict legalization can be implemented in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
First and foremost, there should be limits on how much marijuana a person can possess. Second, marijuana should only be possessed by those who suffer from diseases that can only be cured with marijuana. Furthermore, patients who are being
treated with marijuana should have documents confirming their legal right to possess marijuana. Precautionary measures
should also be taken when prescribing marijuana to patients. Doctors essay writing services reddit, for example, should examine a person’s reaction to marijuana and warn him or her about the potential negative effects and harmful influences on a person’s health. Doctors must, of course, not prescribe a higher dose than is required for a patient’s treatment. Another factor to consider when legalizing marijuana is that people who distribute marijuana illegally should be punished in accordance with the law.
Marijuana legalization has been a contentious issue in the United States of America for a long time. People are split into two groups based on their points of view. The first group of people believes that marijuana should be legalized, while the second group believes the opposite. People who support marijuana legalization argue that it has medicinal properties that can alleviate a variety of symptoms associated with various diseases. Opponents of marijuana legalization agree that it is harmful to one’s health, can lead to addiction to harder drugs, and can even cause social problems such as an increase in crime. After considering both sides of the argument and reading a great deal about the subject, I believe marijuana should be legalized. The first argument in favor of this viewpoint is shared by the vast majority of people who support marijuana legalization. This argument contends that marijuana has medicinal properties and is used to treat a variety of diseases. Concerning concerns about various negative effects, I am confident that strict legalization laws will deter people from breaking the law while also benefiting those who truly require marijuana as a treatment.
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J.W. Jacob, J.W. Jacob, J.W. Jacob, J.W. Jacob, J.W. Jacob, J.W. Jacob, J (29). Marijuana’s Medical Applications Trafford Publishing, Bloomington, Indiana.
A. Joffe and W.S. Yancy (24). Marijuana Legalization and Its Potential Impact on Youth Pediatrics, 6(1), pp. 632-638. (2014). Twenty states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. Retrieved
P. Ruschmann (29). Marijuana legalization. Infobase Publishing, New York, NY.
D.E. Shalala (1995). Say no to marijuana legalization. The Wall Street Journal, page 10
Why Should College Athletes Not Be Paid?
College athletics has grown in popularity among Americans over the last few decades. This helps the National Collegiate Athletic Association NCAA earn millions of dollars per year, and there is now a debate about whether college athletes should be compensated in addition to their scholarships. The National Labor Relations Board of Chicago defines an employee as “a person who has signed a contract to perform agreed-upon service for another; the employer has control and receives payment in exchange” (Hardin, James and Timothy 46). Based on their time and effort, the players may be considered employees under these guidelines. College sports, on the other hand, aren’t all about the money. The ability to play a game that a person enjoys should not be confused with a job.
According to the NCCA, approximately 2% of high school athletes are given the opportunity to compete for college athletes. It is an honor for anyone to be given this opportunity, let alone a scholarship. This is one of the highest levels at which any athlete would like to compete, and it should not be taken for granted. Collegiate athletics are motivated by a desire for an individual to succeed in both sport and life. The athletic scholarship ranges in value from $20,0 to $50,0 per year (NCAA 67). Furthermore, this does not include medical and travel allowances, a professional coach, or the opportunity to audition for professional jobs. The universities where these athletes were chosen pay for all of their expenses.
College athletics, particularly division one, generate a significant amount of revenue for universities and colleges. It is obtained through the sale of tickets, television contracts, and other sports-related merchandise. According to a recent study conducted at the University of Texas, the athletic program earned approximately 120,0,0 dollars. Despite this, the players are not compensated. The NCAA declares that a person is ineligible for sports if he or she has ever received or promised to receive payment (58). Athletes work very hard to bring revenue to the university, but they are not compensated financially.
There are several reasons why games played by students in colleges and universities are referred to as college sports rather than professional sports. This is due to the fact that the players are all college students. People attend universities to improve their skills and learn new ways to do their jobs. College students participate in order to become professionals and not to receive a paycheck. Furthermore, universities spend enough money to build training facilities, coaches, scholarships, and directors in order to improve their chances of winning. If colleges paid their athletes, there would be no way to cover these costs. The college assists the players in being a part of the team by providing scholarships, making school more affordable. Furthermore, paying the college athlete would jeopardize the university’s main purpose, which is to educate. The knowledge and skills they gain at university are inequitable to the money they would receive if they were paid. Many people have proposed various reasons why a college athlete should be allowed to receive compensation, but those arguments are insufficient because the primary goal of a university is to educate rather than to provide sports entertainment. Regardless of the system’s flaws, paying student athletes goes against the primary function of an educational institution.
Scholarships and education
Collegiate athletes receive higher education in colleges and universities that most of their high school classmates cannot afford. In addition, they will receive a diploma. In other words, these players are already compensated through a scholarship that is awarded based on a player’s talent as determined by the training coach (“Athletic Scholarships” 23). Aside from the university degree, the student learns values that will help them in real life situations and at work once they graduate.
Before they start demanding to be paid, consider the benefits they already have. The athletic scholarships are sufficient to cover all of a student’s expenses for four years, including tuition, books, medical care, and meals. The majority of universities charge between 30,0 and 50,0 dollars per year. In other words, each student receives the amount of money that an average American would earn in a year.
A college degree allows a student to earn more money than a regular high school diploma , whether the student gets a professional job or not. A graduate student earns approximately $1 million more over the course of their career. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to travel around the world.
Allocation of funds
Most people believe that athletics help colleges and universities make money. According to a sport analysis, only 23 of the 238 departments in public schools had enough money to cover their expenses. Despite the fact that athletics are used to attract students, the revenue generated by athletics does not outweigh the costs of running the athletics programs. The revenue generated is used to pay the employees’ salaries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the cost of tuition for each student is less than the salary of an athletic trainer, which is 44,720 dollars. These are the staffs who help athletes become professionals, and most schools cannot afford to pay the staffs, let alone the student athletes.
Agreement in Writing
The student signs the scholarship contractual agreement when he or she is admitted to university. While attending university, students not only have the opportunity to play their preferred sports at a higher level, but they also earn a university degree. As a result, monetary compensation is not part of the agreement and should not be a contentious issue during their time at the university.
Before signing these contracts, the students are made aware that they will not be compensated in any way by the organization. The signing of contracts indicates that they are now playing for their university rather than for themselves. They also represent the companies that sponsor those universities, such as Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour. These corporations support both the universities and the athletes. According to a recent study, athlete students spend approximately seven hours per week outside for practices.
In other words, universities would be forced to eliminate certain sports in order to pay certain athletic teams. In general, not all universities have the financial means to pay their athletes, which means that some sports must be sacrificed in order to receive the necessary compensation. Because all athletes devote their time to sports, it would be unjust to eliminate some of them. If several teams were eliminated, some students would be unable to participate in sports, and their efforts would be completely in vain.
Living the American Dream
College athletes should recognize that they have a unique opportunity that most of their peers do not have. They should give their all to the game because that is what they enjoy. The game is not a duty or an hourly job, but if they are paid, it would imply this. The game’s dedication and passion would be lost. As a result, the question of how much money the game is worth should never be raised.
Their favorite sport is about achieving their goals. The players should be proud and enthusiastic about how winning a game will bring them satisfaction (Schneider and Robert 25). They should do it for the sake of completion and glory. It is about the sacrifices that an individual makes for his or her teammates with whom he or she has trained, as well as for the name of the school.
It is an opportunity to continue playing a sport that a person enjoys for another four years. Furthermore, it is a privilege rather than a job. College athletes are not professional athletes who are compensated with salaries and allowances for their participation in sports. This is due to the fact that in college, a person has access to education through participation in sports, where they earn a scholarship to pay for tuition and other expenses.
College athletes are not professional athletes.
A student athlete, as opposed to a professional athlete, focuses on both education and sports. Because they are playing for the school rather than the money, student athletes are more motivated to participate in sports. If the athlete received compensation, his innocence would be shattered. If academics were paid, the funds available for them would be reduced. Being an athletic student also isolates you from the rest of the university; therefore, compensation would widen the gap. In the end, athletic departments would become more of a business than a place where athletes could get an education. According to the Bleacher report, scholarships are provided to students who cannot afford to attend universities. They also did not want to attract top athletes who had no intention of attending school. When students are permitted to be compensated, a scholarship is created.
Nowadays, full scholarships are given to the most talented athletes rather than to needy students who cannot afford a college education; universities use athletic programs to attract students, making it more difficult to obtain a scholarship (“Federal student aid” par 6). If the athletes were paid, the university’s popularity would be determined by the amount of money they received rather than the quality of education they provided. In other words, paying the student will be detrimental to both the university and the student.
Small universities suffer as a result.
Furthermore, if all universities began paying athletes, there would be a distinction between larger and smaller university athletic teams. Because a larger university has more revenue, it may be able to attract the best player. Smaller universities, on the other hand, would be unable to afford them and thus would be disadvantaged. College sports should not be centered solely on money. The athlete should concentrate more on their sport because not everyone is fortunate enough to receive the assistance they do.
The NCAA ensures the well-being of the students, and the institution is responsible for maintaining a good environment in which activities are conducted in a way that encourages academic success and personal development. The collegiate athlete program is also kept as an important component of the educational program in such a way that the student athletes become a part of the student community. Academic standards in every university or college are designed to promote education and to be consistent with the student’s society.
College sports are more of a vehicle for students to obtain a graduate degree writing services reddit than a career. Access to education is contingent on continued participation in sports for which they are awarded a scholarship. Most athletes graduate from university without the student loans that the majority of other students have. Participating in intercollegiate athletics is a choice made by student athletes as part of their educational experience; thus, there is a distinction between the collegiate level athlete and the professional level athlete.
Though many people are in favor of pay, universities spend a lot of money for the benefit of the players as well as the sport in which they participate. This could lead to a slew of issues when it comes to balancing passion and pay. Because many of their high school students cannot afford it, the scholarships they receive should be viewed as a privilege. As a result, student athletes should not be compensated.
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