Could Food Sensitivities Be Causing or Worsening Your Child’s ADHD Symptoms?

Could my child’s inattention and behavior difficulties be related to food sensitivities?  If you are wondering about the root causes of your child’s attention and behavior problems, it is quite possible that sensitivity to a food(s) is the culprit.  Food sensitivities are negative responses the body has when exposed to certain foods. Unlike food allergies, in which symptoms like hives or trouble breathing show up immediately when the food is eaten, food sensitivities show up over a period of hours or days and can cause physical and/or neurological problems. Common symptoms of food sensitivities include inattention, hyperactivity, headaches, poor digestion, irritability, sleep problems, foggy thinking, and more. Many children with ADHD symptoms have some type of underlying food sensitivity. Dairy, gluten, artificial sweeteners, food dyes, and corn can be some of the most common foods that cause problems for kids. The question then becomes, “Which food(s) is causing the problem for my child?”