Explore best Karat Gold

Guide to the Best Karat Gold Jewelry


Gold jewelry is generally not made from pure gold since this metal is very soft and items made from it will bend very easily. But, it is rightly mixed with some other metals, like copper and zinc, and the resulting alloy is harder and suitable to make jewelry. If you are not the jewelry connoisseur, it is simple to get confused by words like ‘carat’ and ‘karat’.


Both are the form of measurement, but what is getting measured is quite different. The carats are generally used for describing a diamond’s weight & other precious gemstones. However, we will delve in the term karat, or measure of the purity when we are referring to gold, and which best karat gold will be right.


Which is the best one?

Truthfully, there is not a clear answer for this — but it depends. And your decision must get influenced over how often you are wearing your jewelry, what you are doing whenever you wear this, coloring you prefer, as well as the budget. Gold is not a piece that will fit everyone and there’re some things that you need to consider.


Determining Karats of the Gold Jewelry

Determining the best karat gold jewelry will be done by looking at the karat marks and testing gold alloys and seeing how much pure gold they have.


See Gold Marks

Karat marks on the gold jewelry are generally stamped in the places, which aren’t visible, and the karats are generally denoted by a sign K or Kt. Standard karat numbers that you are going to see will be 10 K, 14 K, 18 K, 20 K, as well as 22K. One common way to mark gold jewelry is using the parts-per-thousand instead of karats. The parts-per-thousand numbers are converted to the percentage just by dividing it by 10. Here is the quick guide to know the various gold karats you will encounter when you are shopping for a perfect piece:


24K means 100% pure

Being the highest and best karat gold, it is simple to assume 24K is “best” gold, but that is not necessarily the case. Pure gold will be scratched easily and bent, thus it is impractical for daily wear. 


22K has 92% gold & 8% alloyed metals

So, even the modest mixture of just 8% alloyed metal will make 22 gold karat jewelry one-touch stronger & more durable than the pure gold. Nonetheless, care has to be taken with this blend since it is the softest type of mixed metal jewelry.


18K has 75% gold & 25% of alloyed metals

It is a traditional mix of gold & other metals. And 18K pieces generally tend to have a deeper yellow shade than 14K. 


14K has 58% gold & 42% of alloyed metals

The alloy provides more resistance for wear and tear compared to 18K and 22K. It is perfect for daily use and is a popular selection for the engagement rings & wedding bands.