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Fusion one marketing news summary from 16th April to 30th April

Welcome to fusion one marketing once again. We are back with a few new blogs that will enhance your knowledge and information. We hope you will enjoy reading our articles. We welcome your feedback.


April 19, 2021


Google’s page experience update


Google’s page experience update will be available in May. It expresses the core web vitals. Do not wait for this update because of the following reasons:


  • Google never announces any type of algorithm changes but they announced it in May 2020 and gave a year on an update to the algorithm.
  • All aspects of the update are measurable. This is the first update that is totally for the user.

The core web vitals include the following

  • Large contentful paint (LCP): It is about the page loading and how fast it does it. Google considers 2.5 sec good and 4 sec poor.
  • First input delay (FID): It is about the speed when a user interacts with a page. Google considers 100 ms as good and 300 ms as poor.
  • Cumulative layout shift (CLS): This is new and it is looking at how the page loads. Does the page make adjustments to the layout when loading?

Thus, this update is all about the user’s experience and making the web a better place for users.

Important tools for the testing website include:

  • Google search console: You can go to the source to get feedback on how Google sees your site
  • Google page speed insights: It is another tool that Google uses to analyze the content of a web page
  • Lighthouse for Google chrome: It helps in a quick analysis of a site.

Click here for a complete article https://fusiononemarketing.com/googles-page-experience/



April 26, 2019


Social media influencers


Social media influencing is a marketing tool for social media. It is a powerful way to connect with your target audience. In 2020, due to pandemic companies found it difficult to reach buyers who were stuck at home. Influencers increased as business was done online.


Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that involves product placement and endorsements from influencers who are experienced people in their field. 


Companies love using this tool for marketing their products and services. The followers of influencers trust them and are more likely to engage with a brand that is promoted by someone they trust.


Types of influencers


Mega influencers: 


Mega influencers are social media influencers with over a million followers on any given platform. This type of influencer can be a celebrity like a TV star or musician. These types of influencers are suitable to work with larger companies with the marketing budget to afford them.


Macro-influencers: This type of influencer falls within the range of 40,000 to one million followers. They can best fit for companies as they are more comfortable to work with and easier to get in touch with. They are lower-level celebrities.


Micro-influencers: This type of influencer range from 1000 to 40000 followers. The number of followers is smaller but their level of trust is higher. Another benefit is that they often are much more selective of the brands they partner with. They genuinely love the brands they promote. They are easily accessible and can often give the best level of influence.


Nano influencers: This category sees less than 1000 followers because are experts in a true niche field. These influencers have extremely high levels of trust built with their followers.


Click here for more information https://fusiononemarketing.com/social-media-influencers/



April 29, 2021


How to create a professional home office space?


Working from home has become a routine for most people. Today, Mary Beasley will tell us the ways to transform our home office space, how to work with the things available, and simple design tips that will make a big impact. She told that she uses a mood board where she can design space as per the client’s needs. She can use boards to make an artificial space and if a client wants to make changes, then changes can be done. She also created an app called Canva. She talks to the client and gets an idea of what they have for the room and then by using the app she selects the colors they like. You can consult with a professional designer who can look at your available space and can suggest the best ways to convert the available space into the desired office space.


They have experience of putting the furniture in the right place and using the right lighting system in the room so that you can work properly. An expert can give a professional look to make your home a perfect office space. Click here for a full article https://fusiononemarketing.com/how-to-create-a-professional-home-office-space/

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