• $60

Giving Your Carpet A Longer Life With Professional Carpet Cleaning

Giving Your Carpet A Longer Life With Professional Carpet Cleaning

Carpets are great additions to the indoor space. First, there is the style they bring. There is a vast range of colours and textures available, enabling the property owner to achieve their unique decor needs. From setting a neutral backdrop, to going with bold colours and patterns that make the carpet the focal point of the space, their impact is undeniable. They even contribute to improving the indoor air quality – as long as the carpet cleaning is done regularly. The fibres of that plush material trap the pollen dust particles and other airborne pollutants within the carpet, compared to the bare hard floors where the particulate matter simply rests on the surface and can easily be kicked up in the air. However, this particulate-retention capacity is not infinite. The more the dirt that the carpet holds, the easier it will be for subsequent particles to be released into the air space when people walk on the carpet – and there will be increasingly higher concentrations involved, putting the health of the occupants in the building at risk.