Glass Service Balustrades

Glass balustrades are beautiful pieces of architecture. They are a design feature that makes any space seem more special than before. They are not only an amazing piece in any design but are functional as well. A glass balustrade is an excellent choice in your home or business to create a feature that will be noticed and inspiring.There are two main types of balustrade designs to choose from. A frameless balustrade and a framed balustrade. Each has features that would make it perfect in any setting. Frameless balustrades make for ultra modern design, with the glass panes seemingly floating over your staircase. Without a frame to hold the panes of glass the hardware is the only thing keeping it in place. Hardware is installed at the base of the glass panes into the floor structure to make them seem as if they are standing alone. Allan Low Glass makes sure that your frameless balustrade is safe for your guest in your home or business. The glass balustrades are a sort of material utilized as a security obstruction. In accordance with your various prerequisites, these balustrades are offered in an assortment of shapes, hues and plans like finished, bended, confined, semi-surrounded or completely encircled. The offered balustrades are profoundly valued by individuals for having a few best-in-the class highlights like solidness, alluring look, simple installation, warm obstruction and eco-neighborliness.

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