Gratitude for Special Needs? You Betcha!

In her book, Life WILL Get Better: Simple Solutions for Parents of Children with Attention, Anxiety,  Mood and Behavior Challenges, Dr. Nicole Beurkens talks about the challenges of raising a child with special needs. Sure, there are the melt downs, the focus issues, the food allergies, the education road blocks, the social stumblings and the doctor’s visits (oh, man, the endless doctor’s visits) but there’s also a lot of to be grateful for. “Gratitude for extra life challenges?” you might moan. The short answer is, according to Dr. Beurkens, is “Yes.” While it’s not always easy to navigate down Special Needs Highway, the right attitude can land you in Life on Life Terms Avenue. And that destination, armed with the correct perspective, can bring an amazing sense of peace and purpose.