How to Help Your Child with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, or Behavior Disorders Eat More Nutritious Food

I hear it on a regular basis, “If he even thinks it is healthy, he won’t touch it.” “It’s a vegetable, she doesn’t eat vegetables.” “If it isn’t white, fried or sweet he’s not eating it.” Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? You’re not alone, but there is a solution. You buy the food that is available in your house to eat. If you stop buying the processed, sugary, chemical filled food; s/he won’t be able to eat it. I know this sounds harsh and you worry about what s/he will eat instead. The surprising thing is that most kids will eventually eat what is available if no other option exists. Many parents ask how to go about making this change. Below are some tips for making the transition. Keep in mind, nobody said change was easy, but you and your child will live through it.