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Budgeting / By Humbled Budget

There’re numerous ways to make money online, and it’s not always as easy as clicking around or logging into your account.

Some of the best ways to make money involve working hard at something you’re passionate about.

With that being said, if you’re looking for quick cash and don’t mind putting in some time on the side, look no further than this list of options from our friends at CheatSheet:

Make money from social media                                                                                                                                               

It’s no secret that social media has set off a massive part of our lives, and we post our thoughts, share images, and comment on the posts of others. Most social media platforms are free to use, but you can monetize your accounts and make money from them in several ways.

Here’s how:

Monetize your blog with affiliate links. This is one of the most secure ways to start making money online using social media promotion. When someone clicks on an affiliate link in your tweet or pinned post on Pinterest, you’ll earn a commission (usually around 20%).

Affiliate links allow you to promote products without being paid upfront by those companies—instead, they pay you when someone purchases something because you shared their link. This means more revenue for both parties.

Promote affiliate products through Instagram stories with PollsPotter so viewers can vote and provide feedback during live broadcasts with polls like “What should I cook next?