Loop Contact Solutions

Contact Center Philippines

World Class Philippine Call Center

Loop Contact Solutions goes that extra mile to turn your call center into an engine of revenue growth

The key to customer loyalty is outstanding customer service. Seems obvious, right? Think about the first contact your customers will have when there is a problem or question about your product. Who do you want to be on the other end of that phone call, email, or chat?

Dispelling the myths about call centers in the Philippines

Philippine call centers can be an attractive option. You get educated; highly skilled, well-trained agents who speak near flawless “American” for a fraction of the cost. But unfamiliarity can lead to anxiety when choosing to outsource to Philippines, for example:

1. I had a bad experience with a foreign call center.

A bad experience isn’t isolated to a particular country. It can be the result of an inadequately trained agent, inept management, or poor processes. Loop Contact Solutions understands the key to delivering top-notch customer care is to answer quickly, provide high-quality service, and resolve the customer’s needs on the very first interaction if possible.

2. Lack of visibility – A call center company in the Philippines is too far; I won’t know what’s going on. Reports will be incomplete or inadequate.

All Loop employees will be trained to handle phone calls, emails, or live chat so they can move seamlessly between channels and fill in where they are needed at any given point in the day. This will help to minimize wait time for your customers when contacting the call center. Reports can be customized to your specifications in a format that fits your needs. Transcripts/reports will be accessible at any time so you can check all call recordings, emails, and live chats.

3. Customers will receive poor quality service.

Seasoned agents, rigorous training practices (including “live” interactions and corrective training), and attention to quality assurance are proven to achieve a high level of service. In addition, establishing a culture of accountability and rewards will motivate employees to provide world class customer service.