Massage Auckland

  • The Thai massage Auckland therapy has helped many patients to reduce their blood pressure level. Some research has proved that regular massage therapy has reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. By lowering the blood pressure level, you can reduce the risk of stroke, kidney failure, heart attack, and many other health issues. A loved one or even you can provide the benefits of a foot massage. The main things that you need will be a comfortable place to keep your foot on, creams, oils, essential oils that are used for massages and your favorite soft mood music or even a meditation CD.

    Discover our aromatic and relaxing massage. Refreshing, relaxing and anti-cellulite . Using a combination striker and acupressure techniques, this soothing and gentle massage allows the healing properties of these natural oils to penetrate into the skin which leaves both body and mind feeling completely relaxed. Traditional Nuad Phean Thai massage uses both palms, elbows and feet to concentrate on the pressure points of your whole body, including some stretching to reduce fatigue and release tight muscles while improving blood circulation, relaxing the muscles and creating an overall feeling of wellbeing.

    Enrolling in a program will also encourage overall relaxation in patients. These effects last and promote future mental clarity and calm thinking. Therapy helps individuals become more aware of their daily stressors and the effect they have upon them. This will make it easier to avoid these feelings later on, before stress develops into a chronic and harmful condition. This relief also improves energy and helps with the development of coping strategies for everyday life. Mental outlook is improved and future high pressure situations can be handled more effectively. The right massage Auckland will also encourage a positive attitude, promote thinking in a relaxed state, and enhance the skill of making calm decisions.

    Perfect for sore tired muscles. Our massage therapists use smooth volcanic basalt stones heated to between 50-60c with acupressure techniques for effective pain relief. A Hot Stone massage can help reduce stress, boost your immune system and can help promote a deep sense of relaxation leading to a better quality of sleep. Swedish massage with an aim to relax and invigorate the nerves, muscle, glands and circulation by applying pressure to muscles. Special form of massage and is typically used before, during and after athletic events. The purpose of the massage is to relieve swelling, reduce muscle tension, promote flexibility and to prevent injuries.
