Microtia Surgery in USA, England, India

Microtia is a medical term referring to small ears or incompletely formed outer ears. It is a congenital deformity that can affect one or both ears. The surgical treatment of microtia can help correct ear cosmetic defects and is performed in children who have a lot of cartilage available to use as a graft to create a new outer ear. In rib cartilage graft surgery or ear reconstruction surgery, the cartilage from the ribs is removed and used to sculpt a new ear which is finally placed under the skin at the site where the ear must be located. Dr. Parag Telang, the best ear surgeon in Mumbai at The Microtia Trust has helped many children suffering from microtia to achieve normal ear shape. To know more about microtia surgery in USA, England, India, pay a visit to The Microtia Trust.


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