Our Complete Package For LLC Publication In New York County

As we are familiar with the newspapers and county clerks of every county in New York, we can help you with LLC publication requirements in NY. In the state of New York, newly formed Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are required to announce their formation in two newspapers in the county in which the office of the Limited  Liability Company is located. One of the newspapers must be a daily publication, and the other must be printed weekly. The newspapers cannot be chosen by the LLC owners, but must be designated by the County Clerk’s office.Once the notice has been published, the printer or publisher of each newspaper will provide the LLC with an Affidavit of Publication, which must be filed, along with a Certificate of Publication, with the Department of State Division of Corporations, along with a $50 filing fee.


To Get more info here: https://windsorcorporateservices.com/product/publication-order-form/