Powder Coat Paint

Powder coat paint is top notch! RAL is a color standard used worldwide. At Hawkeye we use it for powder coating our windows and doors – which means you’ll not only be able to perfectly match the interior and exterior color scheme of your home, it will last for many years to come. You see, our powder coat paint is much harder and thicker than liquid applied paint. It is also more durable than the traditional paint used on windows and doors, therefore it’s less likely to scratch or wear overtime.

Using powder coat paint at the factory is much more efficient since it allows us to fulfil our eco-friendly practices. Transfer rates are about 70% and the remaining 30% can be recaptured and recycled to powder coat other items.  It is also much safer to use because the product itself does not contain volatile organic compounds (VOC) or solvents.

Let the experts at Hawkeye explain how RAL aluminum powder coat paint is the ideal choice for your windows and doors.