Ratio and Proportion Tricks in Bengali | AB’s Tutorial

Ratio and Proportion Tricks in Bengali | AB’s Tutorial


Hello everyone I am Anup Bandyopadhyay and welcome to AB’s Tutorial.


In this video, We are going to discuss about Ratio and Proportion Tricks in Bengali or অনুপাত ও সমানুপাত 


?? Rules of Ratio and Proportion Math in Bengali ??


Form of Ratio and Proportion Tricks in Bengali : 


1. a এবং b এর অনুপাত =  a:b

2.  দুটি অনুপাত সমান হলে সমানুপাত  a:b = c:d

3.   মধ্যসমানুপাতী — a:b = b:c   i.e.  a/b = b/c  or b² = ac   or   b = √ac


Rules of Ratio and Proportion Tricks in Bengali:


1. যোগ প্রক্রিয়া  (Componendo) —- a:b = c:d  হলে  (a+b):b = (c+d) : d হবে ।

2. ভাগ প্রক্রিয়া (Dividendo) —- a:b = c:d হলে (a-b):b = (c-d):d হবে ।

3.  যোগভাগ প্রক্রিয়া (Componendo and Dividendo) —–  a:b = c:d হলে  (a+b) : (a-b) = (c+d) : (c-d) হবে ।


Examples of Ratio and Proportion Tricks in Bengali:


1. যদি a:b = 2:3 এবং  b:c = 5:7 হয় তবে,  i) a:c  ii) a:b:c = কত?

2.  যদি 4a = 5b এবং 8b=9c হয় তবে a:b:c = কত?

3.  যদি a/8 = b/9 = c/12  হয় তবে  a:b:c = ?

4.  যদি a:b = 1:3, b:c = 5:7 এবং c:d = 9:8 হয় তবে  a:b:c:d = ?  



✔️✔️ Topics Covered:


? What is Ratio and Proportion in Maths?

? How to use Ratio and Proportion?

? Rules of Ratio and Proportion

? What is Componendo and Dividendo?

? Rules of Componendo and Dividendo

? Examples of Ratio and Proportion in Bengali

? Problem Solved Ratio and Proportion