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Roofing Maintenance Tips

Warm weather is one of the first indications of spring and that means it is time to prepare for annual roof maintenance for your home. However, it is very difficult to know where to start. The two-step cleaning tips for roof care is a must to know for all homeowners and then can carry on from there.

The very first thing you would like to begin with is clean up the debris out of the drains and surrounding areas. Wet twigs and leaves in the gutter can block the sewer pipe and finally result in causing damage to the roof and siding if not taken care of properly. A professional contractor like the ones you get from https://www.roofingalbatross.ca can help you clean out the gutters for best results and that too correctly and safely.


Once debris is cleaned from gutters, it is time to verify the condition of shingles. If any are broken, loose, cracked or curling you need to replace them. It is also a good idea to look for any nails that are sticking up or missing and fix that before any shingles goes missing. If the damage inflicted is too much, it may be a call to think about a new roof with the proper guidance from a roofing expert.