Salesforce SMS marketing Execute Successful SMS Messaging Campaigns – 360 SMS App

SMS marketing is one of the most effective and affordable ways to reach and engage your customers and prospects. SMS messages have a 98% open rate, a 75% response rate, and a 90-second response time, making them ideal for delivering timely and relevant information, offers, and reminders.


However, to execute successful SMS marketing campaigns, you need more than just a phone number and a message. You need a powerful and versatile SMS marketing solution that can help you create, manage, and optimize your SMS messaging campaigns with ease and convenience.


That’s where the 360 SMS App comes in. The 360 SMS App is a comprehensive and robust text messaging solution for Salesforce that enables you to send and receive SMS messages from your Salesforce CRM. With the 360 SMS App, you can leverage the data and insights from your CRM to design and execute more targeted and effective SMS marketing campaigns.


SMS marketing is a powerful and affordable way to reach and engage your customers and prospects. With the 360 SMS App, you can leverage the power of SMS marketing and take it to the next level. The 360 SMS App is a comprehensive and robust text messaging solution for Salesforce that enables you to create, manage, and optimize your SMS marketing campaigns with ease and convenience.