Jay Steel Corporation lends a helping hand to many industries globally that need different types of metal, including the rarest ones for their plant manufacturing. We understand that the market is changing and becoming more demanding, so we have developed our strong research and development team who keeps on matching these trends perfectly. The techniques that we use and imbibe are modern and the latest. The tools and devices that we use are upgraded timely. We look into new measures of building up the business. Customer satisfaction is what we want to seek always. No client has ever been unhappy or dissatisfied with us. Mending minds is more important to us than making business.

Stainless Steel 13-8 Mo round bars are the best-selling products of Jay Steel Corporation. They have superb strength and elevated capacity to work extensively. Made by the age-hardening method, Stainless Steel 13-8 Mo round bars are precipitation resistant. Stress corrosion is never experienced by these rods. They are immune to corrosion too. Stainless Steel 13-8 Mo round bars are manufactured in transverse as well as long rods, which are pliable and tough. The problem of segregation and impurities is minimized as Stainless Steel 13-8 Mo round bars have a microstructural specialized melting point. They are a product of chemical composition that takes place due to close control.