Startup Raven


Startup Raven is another way for new businesses to move toward expected financial backers and accomplices

We know the tedious course of moving toward financial backers and organizations can be dreary, so we do it for you. A single tick to join with your contact subtleties or message – there’s nothing more to it!


No staggering around in the mist. Here you will track down financial backers and key accomplices.

Make Your Startup Visible

Try not to suffocate behind the scenes commotion! Make your startup apparent and let them track down you.

Remain in Control of Your Data

In the event that financial backers make a solicitation, you can check whether you need to share your information – there are no automatisms.

What is Startup Raven?

Startup Raven eliminates the drawn-out position of moving toward financial backers and accomplices to only a single tick.

Ravens in folklore are scouts and guides. We maintain that our foundation should be the most ideal same for you.

Your Advantages working with us

Your information is secure, financial backers or accomplices just get to see what you support. It gives you criticism quick, your dashboard shows you how much interest there is in your beginning up. It is compelling, by modifying financial backers or accomplices to you, when you fit their rules.