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Synthetic Hair Transplant: Know the Significance of Synthetic Implantation

Hair loss is an undesirable experience for any individual irrespective of age and gender. The advancements in science have facilitated the desire of people wishing to modify their looks. Synthetic hair transplant, also known as artificial hair transplant is a hair restoration procedure by implanting hair to areas that are affected due to balding or thinning. This might be due to genetic or environmental issues. Synthetic hair transplant is a new procedure that is simple, quick, and painless to address your concerns of balding or thinning. This procedure can be performed in combination with other procedures if not required alone. This is certainly a good choice for a person having limited hair availability in the donor area. Post-treatment management and care impact your scalp health for maintaining the stability of results. Medicated shampoos, prescribed medicines, and regular scalp cleaning are important factors to list giving long-lasting results. However, there are certain key points discussed in this article to consider whether this procedure is appropriate for you. Thorough knowledge of side effects and financial status is the governing factor to proceed with this.Dr. Gaurang Krishna is a consultant dermatologist and specialist hair transplant surgeon located in Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi is catering the patients with an advanced version of the hair transplant by implanting the follicles.