Turning the garage into a party spot

With the holiday season kicking in with the beginning of the Halloween, this year you would have to be much more careful while you are hosting the small house parties with a handful of guests. Social distancing and proper sanitization is the two key to ensuring that your loved ones are safe during the holiday season. Therefore, you could try converting your garage which is like a portion of your house outside your house to conduct small house parties. Visit the website of Zone Garage Central Alberta to know about how to turn your garage into a party zone.


If you open up the garage doors, there would be ample space for the guests to move about freely. It will also leave a space for open conversations and the few guests that you have invited do not end up in having their dinner beside someone whom they barely know. For extra precaution during the COVID times, make sure that the guests have proper access to masks and hand sanitizers. You could give a box of disposable masks and small bottles of hand sanitizers for individuals to use the entire time they are at the party.