Ultra Sonic Testing

1. What is Ultrasonic Testing?

Ultrasonic is an acoustic NDT technology where sound waves are being emitted and their reflections are being received and interpreted. The emitted sound waves, get partially or fully reflected on phases between materials of varying impedance. The reflected waves arrive at different times and with different energy levels. These differences enable a trained and experienced expert to draw conclusions about the inner of a structure and its condition. Ultrasonic gives the opportunity for providing preliminary inspection results and full analysis and detailed documentation.

2. When would you use Ultrasonic Testing?

Inspection of reinforced concrete elements up to 1000mm thick, e.g. tunnel linings.

Detection of delamination on bridge decks.

Detection of voids in filled blocks.

Grout fill of PT ducts for flaws.

Grout fill of Drossbachs level and defects as well as for the starter bar height.

Crack detection where applicable.

3. What are the Benefits of Ultrasonic Testing?

Ultrasonic testing is complimentary with other NDT technologies and delivers answers where other technologies don’t. It can be used as Quality Assurance measure, long term monitoring or for condition surveys. Access from only one side of the structure is necessary.

For More info: https://csiscan.nz/services/ultrasonic-testing/
