Visit The Benchtop Guys for Uniquartz

The uniquartz countertops add value to your home: Think of quartz countertops as an investment when it comes time to sell your home, they will most definitely pay for themselves. Quartz countertops can suit any space: Quartz countertops are available in a variety of colors, textures and grains. There is a quartz countertop for you, whether you want a sleek white countertop, or an elaborate and grainy one. When it comes to new kitchen countertops, Ontario homeowners often wonder if they should go granite or opt for quartz. Granite and quartz countertops are lovely, but it’s important to understand the differences between these two types of stone countertops before you make a decision. While uniquartz countertops are made out of natural stone, quartz countertops are engineered. This means that the countertops are made of aggregate quartz mixed with polymer resins and pigments. Granite countertops can also be engineered in a similar fashion. The benefit of this type of manufacturing process is that the engineered quartz countertops are more uniform in colors and patterns. Other factors to consider include the cost differences and durability. Costs can vary from one quarry and fabricator to the next, so it’s often a toss-up as to which choice is the least expensive option. Depending on your tastes and your kitchen countertop fabricator, you may be able to get exactly uniquartz what you want at a reasonable price. For more info, visit our website:-