Want To Know About HODL Stock

An assurance of regular monthly income is attracting investors in hordes. After all, the entire world economy is witnessing turbulent recessionary trends. In this situation, the avenues for assured income from financial instruments have dried up. In this gloomy scenario looming large in stock market, it has emerged as the safest bet for investors.


Not only this, if you have invested in stock and what is hodl, you are more likely to receive your unpaid dividends at a later date. Better still, if it is a participatory type, you have better chances of earning added dividends in the event company makes good profits. Companies prefer in issuing these stocks because it enables them to improve their balance sheet. All these features together with added tax concessions have made them best alternative to bonds. The only flipside is the non-existence of any voting rights. However, as long as investors are able to get their regular income, they are in no mood to complain!

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