What is half height turnstile?
Half height turnstile, also known as waist height turnstile, which is relative to full height turnstile. Combined with an access control system, it is used to allow or restrict people to enter a specific area. Half height turnstile, as the name suggests, is only half the height of the full-height turnstile. The height of the full-height turnstile is from floor to ceiling, providing full-enclosed traffic management, so it is mostly used in unguarded places that require absolute security, such as factories, construction sites, and prisons. , military management areas, etc. strictly controlled areas.The height of a half height turnstile only reaches the human waist, providing semi-open traffic management. Tripod turnstile, flap barrier, swing barrier and speed gate, all these turnstile gates that we can find everywhere all belong to half height turnstile, different from full height turnstile, half height turnstile can not only control the entry and exit of people and prevent unauthorized people from entering the control area, and its elegant and stylish design can also provide high user-friendliness to help improve the image of the management place, so it is more suitable for commercial buildings, offices, hotels, fitness club and more.