YAG Rod with an intracavity active bimorph mirror AT https://goldtechnic.com/products/laser-nd-yag-rod/Find us on Google Map : https://goo.gl/maps/adpZfGuu5oK2
Gold Technic Laser also provides a comprehensive laser Nd: YAG rod refurbishing service. Both un-mounted and mounted laser rod assemblies can be refurbished, subject to rod integrity and serviceability of the original rod assembly or the availability of suitable hardware.Social :
Deals us : Optical fiber repairPosalux Diamond ToolsYAG Rod,Mitsubishi ST600FLaser focusing head
Address: 3015 Ubi Rd 1, #04–208, Singapore 408704Phone: +65 6743 5342Fax: +65 6748 9202Email: [email protected]Operating hours :Mon — Fri (9.00am to 6.00pm)Sat (9.00am to 1.00pm)Sun Closed