Frequently Asked Questions about fat loss Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis fat freezing slimming machine is the use of cryolipolysis device to freeze fat into jelly, destroy and expel fat cells, want to have more understanding of cryolipolysis, to see the advantages and disadvantages of cryolipolysis slimming and cryolipolysis applicable people it.

Bvlaser is the best professional cryolipolysis machine manufacturer, we have FDA approved cryoliposysis machine for sale.

The common problems with cryolipolysis slimming machine

1. Will it hurt to do cryolipolysis?

The majority of people do not need anesthesia, the first 10 minutes will be a pulling discomfort. Once the fat loss cryolipolysis treatment area has been cooled down, there is no significant pain.

2. How long does a cryolipolysis session take?

Depending on the area, like the stomach, waist side, etc., it usually takes about 1 hour per area.

3. How long does the recovery period take?

After fat loss cryolipolysis treatment, temporary redness, bruising, soreness and numbness will occur in the treated area, but these discomforts will gradually disappear within 1~3 weeks. Results can usually be seen within 2-4 months after treatment, and there is no need to take time off work or rest after treatment. There is only slight discomfort in the treated area and no wounds.

4. How thin can cryolipolysis be?

After cryolipolysis, you can clearly feel the fat thinning and skin tightening, according to clinical studies, the average reduction in fat layer thickness is 22.4% within 2 to 4 months after treatment. In addition, drinking more water and exercising with the right amount of exercise can make the slimming effect better.

5. Will cryolipolysis freeze the sebum?

Fat cells are less tolerant of cold temperatures than skin. 4 degrees Celsius is enough to cause fat cell necrosis, but it does not cause much damage to the skin, and only in rare cases does it cause mild damage.

Read more about Cryolipolysis

1. Since cryolipolysis can freeze fat, will the skin in direct contact with it also be frostbitten?

The tolerance of fat cells to low temperatures is lower than that of the skin. 5 degrees Celsius is enough to necrotize the fat cells, but there is not much damage to the skin, and only in rare cases will there be mild damage.

2. Some experts have questioned the principle of cryolipolysis, claiming that fat cells can still recover after being frozen, rendering the treatment useless.

However, the effectiveness of cryolipolysis has been well documented by many weight loss users in the US, UK and Canada, where it has been shown to be effective in helping people to get rid of localised fat. But this freezing weight loss method for fatty and small areas (such as the waist, abdomen, back swim ring-like situation) is good, while the thighs, hips and other large areas of fat accumulation is not very effective.

3. While some foreign experts have found freezing to be effective, others say that it does not penetrate deep into the skin and has limited effect, and some plastic surgeons have questioned this new method of weight loss, saying that the natural metabolism of large numbers of necrotic fat cells by the body is a serious burden on the liver. People with liver problems are advised not to try this method and other possible risks of freezing for weight loss are currently uncertain.