Procedure of Feminizing Rhinoplasty in India

The appearance of the male nose is large and angular whereas the female nose is narrower than the male nose and the tip is pointed upwards. Often, in transgender women, the nose appearance is more like men which contribute to the masculine appearance. Henceforth, increasing the need for nose feminization surgery in facial feminization surgery procedures.

Feminizing rhinoplasty aims at softening the masculine nasal projection into feminine to give an overall appealing look along with other facial feminization surgeries. The surgery focuses on creating a smaller and sleeker nose look to balance with the rest of the facial structure. Besides this, with the new and innovative surgical techniques, feminizing rhinoplasty surgery aims at the rearrangement of all the bone and cartilaginous framework, which leads to more stable, permanent, and satisfying results.

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Gives the patient more confident feelBrings the nose in harmony with other modified structuresGives a pleasing and aesthetic results

Procedure of Feminizing Rhinoplasty SurgeryFeminizing rhinoplasty surgery includes the following steps:AnesthesiaTo make the surgery less painful, medications are administered to the patient. The surgeon can make a choice between general anesthesia or local anesthesia.

The incisionThe procedure used can either be closed or open. In the closed procedure, the incisions are hidden inside the nose, and in an open procedure, the incisions are made across the columella, which is a narrow strip of tissue separating nostrils.

Reshaping the noseA large nose can be reduced in size by removing a part of the cartilage or bone. Depending on the surgery type and the condition of the nose, there may be a need for cartilage grafts.

Correction of the deviated septumIf the nasal septum is deviated, it is straightened, and the projections are reduced to improve breathing.

Closing the incisionOnce the nose is sculpted, nasal skin is redraped, and incisions are closed.

Why Choose Dr. Parag Telang?Dr. Parag Telang is one of the most qualified plastic surgeons who is ideal for performing rhinoplasty in India. His qualifications, along with his experience makes him a renowned plastic surgeon. He discusses the procedure in advance with his patients and tells them what they should expect. Dr. Parag Telang brings harmonious results, which blend well with the patient’s facial proportions. Dr. Telang operates at his clinic, which is fully equipped with modern and advanced technology. To know more about the nose feminization and rhinoplasty cost in India, one can contact the best rhinoplasty doctor, Dr. Parag Telang at Designer Bodyz in Mumbai. Schedule a consultation now.