Satellite Hardware

The satellite hardwares of CGSTL mainly consist of satellite products, CubeSat platform, satellite cameras, standalone products, and components products.



satellite hardware

GF Satellites with a Resolution of 1m

GF satellites with a resolution of 1m are the new generation optical remote sensing satellites independently researched and developed by the Company. These satellites are designed with light weighted structure, highly integrated electronics system, high-resolution ultra-light weighted camera and other innovative technologies. These satellites have the features of low cost, low power consumption, lightweight and high resolution.


satellite communication hardware

SP Satellites with a Resolution of 1m

SP satellites with a resolution of 1m have area array video imaging functions, and they have the features of low cost, low power consumption, lightweight and high resolution.


satellite internet hardware

12U CubeSat Platform

12U CubeSat platform is the new generation effective 12U high-performance multi-load cubic volume. The satellite flies in the SSO orbit of 500km high, the remote sensing images whose resolution is superior to 1.35m can be obtained. The satellite adopts the concept of cubic satellite standardization and modular d`esign, and features low R&D cost, short development cycle, strong carrying capacity and high reliability. It is suitable for ground observation, new technology verification, scientific detection, biological testing and other fields.